Thursday, July 13, 2006

Lake Allison said...

Lake Allison said... "I get those voices, too, non-fiction is hard. What I struggle with is: When is it an article, and when is it just a journal entry."

Hell yeah, sister! I'm always trying to understand the difference between what is merely me blathering on about something NO ONE (except maybe those near and dear and then sometimes not even) and what is actually publication worthy. Do I judge too much? Probably... How does one go about turning those damn censors off? Stupid voices!
I also get them with my fiction... But it's usually the more critical, "you'd better revise that at least 13 more times before you even show it to anyone" and the self-deprecating, "What, you think you can write? You have nothing original to say. That story is so like done. Nobody'll publish that, you shouldn't even bother."


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