Thursday, July 06, 2006

Voices in my head

Miz Dagmar wrote:
"I think you can share as much as you are comfortable sharing. Personally, I haven't gotten bored yet. I did a smidge more sharing than I expected in my own blog, myself, recently. Perhaps now that we have a feel for who our readers are, we have gotten comfortable enuf to share. Kinda funny, really."

While I think part of it is getting a feel for my readers, for me at least, it's not the biggest part. I have trouble getting past my own internal voices... It's when I write about actual things that happen in my life, as opposed to stories and some random rants (though some of those tend to be more intricately woven into who I am than my voices are comfortable with), that these voices become particularly noisy. These are my voices:

1. The annoying cry-baby always whining, "WHY?" and "who cares?"
2. The angry teenager who scowls and stomps muttering, "it ain't none o' their business."
3. The proper one who sits with legs prudently crossed, sipping tea and saying delicately, "it is impolite to share such personal matters in mixed company*."
4. The cocky strutter with a puffed out chest who announces, "these peons should have to wait and pay for it like everyone else. I'm gonna be famous some day."
5. The lazy one yawns, "too much work."
6. The militaristic sergeant barking, "get your butt working on some REAL writing!"
7. Then there's a whole slew of others that sound like garbled wailings. They give me migraines.

But in the end, I just gotta laugh. Miz Dagmar said, "Kinda funny, really." Too true, too true.

* mixed meaning people I don't know as well as those I do.


Blogger Lake Allison said...

I get those voices, too,
non-fiction is hard.

What I struggle with is: When is it an article, and when is it just a journal entry>

7/11/2006 8:32 PM  
Blogger Mary-Anne said...

Hey I like your blog! I was just reading your comment on justin's page. Thank you for trying to prevent me from killing him. I mentioned there that I thought The Secretary was an excellent movie. (yes, I actually read people's profiles) That movie got me into spanking! Too much information? That's my middle name.

7/12/2006 4:16 PM  

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