Sunday, July 03, 2005

A Thousand Words???

I'm reading "Making a Literary Life" by Carolyn See. Though it is a bit redundant as far as my writing education goes, it has a unique perspective on things I already know. One of the things she advises is that you write one thousand words (about four pages) five days a week for the rest of your life. Not bad advice.

When I read this, I immediately thought of the Chinese proverb, "a picture's worth a thousand words." (Although it has been debated that the actual quote is: "a picture's meaning can express ten thousand words.") But as I tried out my thousand words, not too difficult a task since I often write more than a thousand words on any given day, I found that a thousand words can express over a thousand pictures.

This got me thinking...
If this is true, then words and pictures are creating each other simultaneously on a continuous swirling stream.
And if that's true, does that mean that film is actually the greatest medium for any creative expression?
Boy, did I ever major in the wrong field!


Blogger Ninian said...

No! Really???

I guess, once again, my sarcasm failed to translate to the page. (I thought for sure the "Boy" would get it across.)

7/04/2005 10:12 AM  
Blogger Lake Allison said...

1,000 words a day?
Good luck!

(No sarcasm here.)

7/04/2005 10:30 AM  

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