Sunday, April 17, 2005

listen to my mommy...

i've had a cold / flu / i don't know what for over two months now and it's been driving me MAD!!! All i want to do is sleep, sleep, sleep. as a big advocator for sleeping especially when it leads to dreaming, i knew it was bad when i was sick of sleep. but even more than sleep, i've just been so sick of being so tired all the time. i can't get anything done and i feel like shit. it hasn't been bad enough to where i feel the need to go to a doctor, (something i avoid doing unless i have broken bones or have vomited out organs or i'm coughing up my lungs because I HATE HOSPITALS and don't trust DOCTORS) but it is dragging on me. the thought of MONO has entered my mind several times, but since i've had it before, i know there's little the medical community can do for it except pump you full of all sorts of antibiotics to prevent any other ailment from attacking your weakened immune system. screw that.
but then my mommy suggested that i try this Airborne stuff. it works kind of like that "plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is" stuff, except the lemon and lime flavor ain't too bad and it's all herbal. i'm still a bit draggy, but i just started with it yesterday and i seem to be getting a hell of a lot more done than i have been. is AIRBORNE the new miracle cure???? i don't know. all i do know is i got it over the counter, i didn't have to see a doctor and it seems to be working. we'll see...


Blogger Lake Allison said...

Feel better, sweet J9


4/21/2005 9:26 PM  

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