Sunday, July 24, 2005

not my typical post...

I cannot contain my glee!!!!
I have done something I never thought I would do. (No, not THAT.) I outlined the entire novel of Funky Sushi. Seriously. It's very possible that once I get past the outline, I won't stick to it, but I have a weird feeling about this. I feel like I already know the ENTIRE story and I just have to get it to the page. I've already revamped the first chapter, which is now titled - Abstract Aria. Beyond that, I have gotten rid of a few characters and added several more. There is a grand total of 13 main characters and I'm likin' that number. As I said, this is all subject to change, but I don't think so....

And now, for the curious few, here's a little taste of what I've been working on:

Main Characters:

Frankie Menoi: 11
Sheila Menoi-Ning: 46 (Frankie & Liu’s Mom & married to Frank)
Frank Ning: 56 (Frankie’s stepDad, Liu’s dad & married to Sheila)
Ama Avi Ning - 74 (Frank’s mother & the “triplets” grandmother)
Liu, Iris & Aker Ning: 3 (“triplet” cousins)
Persephone: 38 (sister of Pistacchio & Pandora)
Pistacchio: 28 (brother of Pandora & Persephone)
Pandora: 32 (sister of Pistacchio & Persephone)
Tio Tito: 35 (runs the UnBurned Books)
Melanie [the yellow eyed girl]: 26 (works at UnBurned Books)
Honey: ageless (the city spirit / pixie who is captured but manages to escape)

Next, here's the outline of Section 1 with Chapters, settings and a brief description:
Section I
1. Abstract Aria (Apartment)
Bamboo Flute / Frankie’s dream
2. Beneficial Blundering (UnBurned Books)
Finding a series of clues that lead to a stash of maps & strange hints
3. Caliginous Cenotaph (graveyard)
Following the clues to a.... cenotaph? - a tomb or a monument erected in honor of a person or group of persons whose remains are elsewhere
4. Diaphanous Diapers (Apartment)
The “triplets” meet / Sheila disappears
5. Expurgation Expert (Apartment)
Frankie discovers the secret! - Frank’s meeting with Pistachio & Pandora

There are Five Sections, each with five chapters and an epilogue. A gold star for anyone who figures out the method in my madness!! (As far as Funky Sushi goes, that is...)


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